Chair Message
As we close in on the fourth year of the pandemic, I am reminded of the fact that change is the only constant. Navigating change at a fast pace can be challenging for any organization but FRAS Canada is well-positioned to manage uncertainty, create opportunities for innovation, and ensure we are fit for the future. Our focus on serving the public interest remains unchanged as we continue to oversee the activities of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AASB) in these times of disruption. To that end, the Auditing and Assurance Standards Oversight Council (AASOC) has been active in several integral projects over the last year.
The Independent Review Committee on Standard Setting in Canada (IRCSS) issued its final report on March 1, 2023. Through their rigorous review process, 26 recommendations were made that encompass organizational structure, governance, equity, diversity and inclusion, and independence. A task force has been struck with representation from CPA Canada, AASOC, and the Accounting Standards Oversight Council (AcSOC) to assess the recommendations of the IRCSS final report and provide input back to CPA Canada, AASOC and AcSOC for their final approval and action. This review is anticipated to be completed in the Fall of 2023.
As recommended by the IRCSS, an effectiveness review has begun to assess the operations, efficiency, and effectiveness of AASOC and AcSOC with a focus on ensuring that oversight of standard setting is well positioned for the future. The task force is comprised of an equal representation of AASOC and AcSOC members and will consider oversight effectiveness and provide advice to the Councils in the Fall of 2023.
In response to international developments relative to environmental, social and governance issues, the formation of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), and the recommendations from the IRCSS report, the two councils approved the formation of the Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB). With the support of an Implementation Committee, the CSSB has been established and announced the inaugural Chair and first cohort of members, appointed on April 1, 2023. We look forward to leading in this space.
Core to our mandate for effective oversight and governance is the operation of the Performance Review Committee (PRC) and the Nomination Governance Committee (NGC). The PRC monitors and evaluates the performance of the AASB to ensure it considers the public interest and the needs of its interested parties in standard setting. The NGC provides recommendations on the appointments and reappointments to the AASB and AASOC in addition to advising on governance matters.
As of March 31, 2023, Sheila Filion and Johnny Walker have concluded their terms with AASOC. Their significant contributions to the work of the Council have been truly appreciated. We wish them well with their next endeavour. I am proud of the work carried out by our volunteers and staff and grateful for the engagement from the community of interested parties. Your commitment to our mandate allows us to continue to produce important work in the public interest. Looking forward to another productive year for 2023-2024.
Kevin Nye
Performance Reviews

In addition to monitoring and evaluating the performance of the AASB, we also ensure due process is followed by receiving regular reports from the Board and reviewing the effectiveness of its processes. We also encourage observers to the AASB meetings.
The PRC monitors and evaluates the performance of the AASB on an annual basis. The Committee provided input into the Board’s 2023-2024 Annual Plan and 2022-2023 Annual Report. Lastly, the PRC has free-flowing dialogues with the AASB’s Chair on pressing issues that the Board is managing.
Key AASB 2022-2023 Successes

We agreed that the AASB achieved the majority of the objectives set out in its 2022-2023 Annual Plan, with key successes that included:
- launching a standard-setting project on Sustainability Assurance;
- approving three Exposure Drafts and finalizing revisions to one standard;
- engaging with interested and affected parties through 137 outreach sessions, webinars, presentations, meetings, surveys, and roundtable discussions;
- completing post-implementation research on the Canadian Key Audit Matter (KAM) reporting experience; and
- authoring or supporting the development of 18 articles of guidance or communication, and two webinars on emerging issues and assurance standards to meet the needs of practitioners and provide thought leadership.
See the AASB’s Annual Report for full details.