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Reporting & Assurance Standards Oversight Council

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending candidates for appointment or reappointment to the Reporting & Assurance Standards Oversight Council and the boards it oversees. The Committee ensures that candidates have the necessary competencies, diversity, expertise, and qualifications to meet the requirements of the boards and the oversight council, supporting their public interest mandate. As a standing committee, it is accountable to the oversight council. Committee meetings are not open to the public.

Staff Contact(s)

Jessica Hinchliffe, GPC.D Secretary, Oversight Council


Erica Teklits, FCPA, FCA – Chair

Earl Davis, C. Dir, CFA, MBA

Jocelyn Patenaude, FCPA

Michael Jacobs, B. Comm

Susan Campbell, FCPA, FCA

Terms of Reference

RASOC’s Nominating Committee Terms of Reference were approved on October 29, 2024.