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International Activities

The Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) supports the objective of harmonizing accounting standards internationally. We have been active in the development of IFRS® Accounting Standards for many years.

We have worked with the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) since its inception in 2001. Before then, we worked with the IASB’s predecessor body, the International Accounting Standards Committee since its founding in 1973.

The IFRS Foundation estimates that over 29,000 of the 49,000 companies listed on the 93 major securities exchanges in the world use IFRS Accounting Standards. Profiles published by the IFRS Foundation provide information about the use of IFRS Accounting Standards in individual jurisdictions.

In January 2006, we decided to move financial reporting for Canadian publicly accountable enterprises to IFRS Accounting Standards. Our 2022-2027 Strategic Plan explains that this decision does not mean that we simply wait for the IASB to issue IFRS Accounting Standards. We work hard to influence the development of IFRS Accounting Standards. We follow a multi-step process to approve new and amended IFRS Accounting Standards for incorporation into Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (see Canada’s profile for more information).

One of our objectives is to add value for publicly accountable enterprises by maintaining a strong global presence. We are at the international table when issues important to Canadians are discussed, ensuring our communities’ perspectives are considered.

Participate in International Consultations​

We urge Canadian entities to engage in international consultations to ensure global standards accurately represent our economic and regulatory conditions. Your involvement strengthens the relevance and credibility of these standards in Canada and promotes consistent financial reporting worldwide.

The AcSB on the International Stage

Former AcSB Chair and current IASB Vice-Chair Linda Mezon-Hutter participated in the IFRS Foundation’s video on international collaboration in accounting standard setting, discussing how we represent Canadians at international meetings.

In March 2013, we were named an inaugural member of the Accounting Standards Advisory Forum (ASAF), which serves as the technical advisory body to the IASB. Established by the Trustees of the IFRS Foundation, this single forum replaces multiple bilateral memorandums of understanding with various national and regional standards bodies.

We have been a member of ASAF since March 2013 and in October 2024, we were appointed to a fifth term for three years. Our Chair represents the Board at the ASAF meetings.

We also participate in other international committee meetings, such as:

  • World Standard Setters — A forum for those responsible for setting financial reporting requirements in jurisdictions around the world. 
  • International Forum of Accounting Standard Setters (previously National Standard-Setters) — A grouping of national accounting standard setters from around the world and other organizations that are involved in financial reporting issues. 
  • Bilateral meetings with standard setters from other jurisdictions, such as Germany, Australia, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States and advisory groups such as the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group.

We also respond to documents issued for comment by the IASB. We strongly encourage Canadian constituents to monitor IASB® projects and respond to these documents as well.

Canadians on the International Stage

Former AcSB Chair, Linda Mezon-Hutter, was appointed as a member of the IASB. She joined the organization in September 2022 for an initial five-year term. Linda was appointed to the role of Vice-Chair of the IASB in December 2022. 

The IASB members liaise with national standard setters to promote convergence of accounting standards through common activities, wherever possible. We are frequently in touch with both the IASB staff and Board members on issues that are significant to Canadians.

In fact, we work with the IASB in many ways, including supporting these Canadians who serve on IASB committees:

IFRS Foundation Trustees

  • Maria Theofilaktidis — Member

IFRS Interpretations Committee

  • Karen Higgins — Member
  • Andre Besson — Member

Other Committees

  • Jeff Davidson – Member, Global Preparers Forum
  • Trent W. Klein — Member, Management Commentary Consultative Group
  • Lisa French – Member, Management Commentary Consultative Group
  • Richard McCabe — Member, Consultative Group for Rate Regulation
  • Tim Murray — Member, Consultative Group for Rate Regulation
  • Michel Picard — Member, Consultative Group for Rate Regulation
  • Anthony Scilipoti — Member, Capital Markets Advisory Committee
  • Michael Thom – Member, Capital Markets Advisory Committee
  • Wilfred Au – Member, SME Implementation Group

Get more information about the IASB, including its current work plan.

Working with the U.S.

Like us in Canada, the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has its pulse on international accounting standard-setting activities. The FASB is also an inaugural member of the ASAF and was reappointed to a fifth term in 2024.

The proximity between Canada and the U.S. and the connection between the two countries’ capital markets leads to collaboration on many levels, including semi-annual meetings between the AcSB and FASB.

Get more information about the FASB, including its current work plan, which outlines joint FASB/IASB projects.