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Due Process

The CSSB Standard-setting Due Process Manual sets out the due process that the Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) follows in setting Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards (CSDSs). The CSSB’s due process is built on its Terms of Reference and Statement of Operating Procedures, and is based on the following principles:

  • Transparency: Conducting its standard-setting process in a transparent manner.
  • Consultation: Considering the perspectives of interested and affected parties.
  • Accountability: Analyzing the potential effects of its proposals on interested and affected parties and explaining the rationale for the CSSB’s decisions when developing or changing a standard.

Criteria for Modification Framework: Basis for Conclusions

The CSSB has finalized its Criteria for Modification Framework, which can be found in Appendix A of the Due Process Manual.

The bases for the CSSB’s final decisions on the criteria it will use when assessing whether to make amendments to IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards can be found in the Criteria for Modification Framework Basis for Conclusions.