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News Listings


July 29, 2021

International Activity

Canada submits offer to host International Sustainability Standards Board

Private and public institutions across the country have come together to offer Canada as the global headquarters for the new International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). The offer was facilitated by CPA Canada and formally submitted by the Government of Canada to the IFRS Foundation this week, backed by organizations such as pension funds, financial institutions, securities regulators, a leading First Nations organization, accounting firms, insurance companies, and other large Canadian companies, along with the support of the country’s six largest municipalities and a broad cross-sector of Canada’s leading business, academic, and environmental stakeholder organizations. 

July 19, 2021

Meeting Summary

AASOC Public Meeting Report – May 18, 2021

The Council met on May 18, 2021 to discuss the activities of the AASB and related matters. Read the full report for more information. 

July 7, 2021

Meeting Summary

AASOC Public Meeting Report – April 26, 2021

The Council met on April 26, 2021 to receive an update on the Independent Review Committee of Standard Setting. Read the full report for more information. 

June 28, 2021

Meeting Summary

AASOC Public Meeting Report – April 19, 2021

The Council met on April 19, 2021 to receive an update on the Independent Review Committee of Standard Setting. Read the full report for more information.

June 23, 2021

Meeting Summary

AASOC Public Meeting Report – February 25-26, 2021

The Council met on February 25- 26, 2021 to receive an update on the Board’s activities. Read the full report for more information.

May 26, 2021


AASOC’s 2020-2021 Annual Report – Challenging Times, Consistent Vision

This past year presented several major global challenges with impacts on standard-setting in Canada. Both AASOC and the AASB needed to be sensitive to many different risks in our new environment.  Read our 2020-2021 Annual Report to learn more about the work we did, including our oversight of the AASB. 

May 14, 2021


Media Release – Accounting and auditing standards oversight councils initiate review of standard setting in Canada

The Accounting Standards Oversight Council (AcSOC) and Auditing and Assurance Standards Oversight Council (AASOC) have initiated a review of Canadian standard setting. The Independent Review Committee on Standard Setting in Canada was formed to review of the governance and structure for establishing accounting, auditing, and assurance standards, as well what might be needed for the future – including sustainability standards. 

March 18, 2021


Appointments – AASOC and the AASB

We are pleased to announce new members and re-appointed members, and thank those retiring, to the Council and the AASB. See the appointments page for full details.

March 17, 2021


Media Release – New Chair Appointed to the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board

AASOC is pleased to announce it has approved the appointment of Bob Bosshard, CPA, CA, ICD.D, as the new chair of the AASB. Bob will begin his three-year term as the AASB chair on July 1, 2021. Read more about his background and how it will serve the AASB as it navigates through this pivotal time.

January 21, 2021

International Activity

Board and Oversight Council responses to IFRS sustainability consultation paper

This article provides highlights from comment letters written by Boards and Councils responding to the IFRS Foundation Trustees Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting.