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AASB Strategic Plan


The Strategic Plan sets out the broad objectives that guide the AASB in achieving its public interest mandate over a multi-year period. The Board decides on strategic objectives after extensive stakeholder consultation.

The AASB’s current strategic plan is effective until March 31, 2021. The Board is undertaking this project to develop its next Strategic Plan, following consultation with stakeholders. 

Staff Contact(s)

Jacqui Kuypers, CPA, CA Principal, Auditing and Assurance Standards Board

Project Status

  • Information gathering


  • Approving project

    The AASB approved a draft strategic plan for public consultation.

  • Engaging Communities

    The AASB Draft Strategic Plan 2022-2025 was issued in January 2021. Comments are due April 15, 2021.

  • Deliberating feedback

    The AASB is deliberating feedback received on the Draft Strategic Plan 2022-2025

  • Final pronouncement

    The AASB approved its Strategic Plan 2022-2025 and issued it in July 2021.

Understanding. Responding. Supporting.

The AASB issued its 2022-2025 Strategic Plan in July 2021 after extensive stakeholder consultation.


July 21, 2021

Resource, Other

AASB Strategic Plan 2022-2025 Feedback Statement

Learn how the AASB developed and approved its Strategic Plan 2022-2025 – including conclusions reached on the significant comments received. 

February 12, 2021


The Future of Auditing Standards – AASB Draft Strategic Plan

Predict the future? The AASB can’t do that, but it can work with you on what Canadian auditing and assurance standards should look like in the coming years. Join us for a short Zoom chat and take part in a quick survey on one (or all!) of our six proposed strategic topics this February and March. Talk to us about the issues that matter to you most, that the AASB can help solve.


This project summary has been prepared for information purposes only. Decisions reported are tentative and reflect only the current status of discussions on this project, which may change after further Board deliberations. Decisions to publish Handbook material are final only after a formal voting process.