Predict the future? The AASB can’t do that, but it can work with you on what Canadian auditing and assurance standards should look like in the coming years.
Let’s chat about the future of auditing standards in Canada!
The Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AASB) is building its next strategic plan, set to drive Canadian auditing and assurance standards activities between 2022 and 2025.
To finalize our plan, we need your input to identify issues that matter to you most, that the AASB can help solve.
First up: A series of short surveys and virtual chats you can participate in to give your views on our key strategic proposals. Surveys and virtual chats will be offered once a week starting in late February and ending in March.
Read the AASB Draft Strategic Plan 2022-2025 for complete details.

Small and medium-sized entities: Building scalable and proportional ways for SMEs to apply standards
Survey – Opens February 22, 2021
Virtual chat – February 24, 2021

Remote work: Responding to our new virtual environment as practitioners
Survey – Opens March 1, 2021
Virtual chat– March 3, 2021

Technology: Reflecting the increased use of technology in our standards and guidance
Survey – Opens March 8, 2021
Virtual chat – March 10, 2021

Changing information needs: Providing assurance over information beyond traditional financial statements
Survey – Opens March 15, 2021
Virtual chat – March 17, 2021

Public confidence in audits: Addressing the expectation gap and collaborating to improve the quality of entity reporting
Survey – Opens March 22, 2021
Virtual chat – March 24, 2021

Complexity: Adapting standards and guidance to complicated changes in our environment – from more complex transactions to economic disruptions
Survey – Opens March 29, 2021
Virtual chat – March 31, 2021