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Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards

Criteria to modify IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards


The Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) is committed to the global standardization of sustainability disclosure standards. The board also recognizes that there may be circumstances where amendments are required in the Canadian public interest.

As a result, this project is focused on determining the criteria the CSSB will follow to add to, delete from, and amend IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards when setting Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards (CSDS).

Staff Contact(s)

Nora Wood, MBA, CPA, CGA Principal, Sustainability Standards

Project Status

  • Information gathering

    The CSSB researched and reviewed existing standard-setting due processes to form the basis of its criteria

  • Approving project

    In November 2023, the CSSB confirmed its intention to advance the adoption of sustainability standards in Canada through a consultation in 2024

  • Engaging Communities

    In March 2024, a consultation paper was issued for public comment on the CSSB’s Criteria for Modification Framework (Criteria for Additions to, Deletions from, and Amendments to IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards)

  • Deliberating feedback

    The CSSB is currently deliberating feedback on the Consultation Paper

  • Final pronouncement

On-demand Webinar – Proposed Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards and Criteria for Modification Framework

Watch our recorded webinar for insights on the Exposure Drafts on proposed CSDS 1 and CSDS 2 and the CSSB Consultation Paper on the Proposed Criteria for Modification Framework.


March 13, 2024

News, Document for Comment

CSSB Consultation Paper – Proposed Criteria for Modification Framework

The Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) Consultation Paper, Proposed Criteria for Modification Framework, is now open for comment. The Paper sets out how the Board proposes to introduce changes, if required, to IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards for use in Canada. Submit your comments to the CSSB by June 10, 2024


This project summary has been prepared for information purposes only. Decisions reported are tentative and reflect only the current status of discussions on this project, which may change after further Board deliberations. Decisions to publish Handbook material are final only after a formal voting process.