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CSSB Consultation Paper – Proposed Criteria for Modification Framework


The Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) was established to serve the public interest by setting and maintaining high-quality sustainability disclosure standards for Canadian entities and by contributing to the development of high-quality, internationally recognized sustainability disclosure standards.

On June 26, 2023, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) released its first two IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information and IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures.

Recognizing the significance of these standards, the CSSB has established criteria for modifying the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards when formulating Canadian standards based on them. In fulfilling its role of serving the public interest and upholding the quality of sustainability disclosure in Canada, the CSSB may introduce additions, deletions and/or amendments to an IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standard.

To facilitate transparency, the CSSB has released this Consultation Paper, detailing the proposed Criteria for Modification Framework. This Framework outlines the criteria that the Board intends to adopt. The Board invites feedback from interested and affected parties in Canada to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive review process.

Staff Contact(s)

Nora Wood, MBA, CPA, CGA Principal, Sustainability Standards

Thank you for your interest in the CSSB Consultation Paper – Proposed Criteria for Modification Framework. The comment period for this consultation has now closed. Due to the volume of feedback received, we appreciate your patience as we process submissions. We will post the feedback as soon as possible. 

Read the Exposure Draft and stay up to date with this project.


The Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) was established to serve the public interest by setting and maintaining high-quality sustainability disclosure standards for Canadian entities and by contributing to the development of high quality and internationally recognized global sustainability disclosure standards.

In setting Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards, the CSSB follows processes in accordance with its Due Process Manual. This Consultation Paper, Proposed Criteria for Modification Framework, is an element of the CSSB’s Due Process Manual. It sets out criteria for the circumstances in which the CSSB would make amendments to the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards. These criteria ensure that Canadian standards align with international standards while addressing Canadian-specific reporting needs.