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Public Sector Accounting Standards

Financial Instruments


With the growth and availability of financial instruments, many governments and government organizations use financial instruments to manage their financial exposure such as foreign currency and interest rate risk.

Staff Contact(s)

Michael Puskaric, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Public Sector Accounting Board

Meeting & event summaries

July 8, 2021

PSAB Decision Summary – June 29, 2021 and July 8, 2021

PSAB received the Financial Instruments Advisory Group’s overview, comprehensive analysis, and recommendation on rate-setting transactions, as part of the Financial Instruments – Narrow-scope Amendments project.

PSAB accepted the Financial Instruments Advisory Group’s recommendation not to proceed with an exposure draft on the accounting for rate-setting transactions. The Board made this decision on the basis that the amendments required to permit such transactions within public sector accounting standards could not be accommodated through the narrow-scope-amendment mandate. The extensive changes required to accommodate rate-setting transactions were inconsistent with the Board’s due process for narrow-scope amendments and could introduce principles inconsistent with previously approved decisions in the development of the financial instruments suite of standards.

This completes the Financial Instruments – Narrow-scope Amendments project prior to its effective date for fiscal years beginning on or after April 1, 2022. PSAB will continue to monitor and review the accounting for the financial instruments suite of standards, including rate-setting and other financial risk management activities. In accordance with its due process, approximately two years after the implementation of these new standards, the Board will assess whether a post-implementation review of the financial instruments suite of standards should be performed.

December 9, 2020

PSAB Decision Summary – December 9, 2020

PSAB approved the following narrow-scope amendments:

  • Financial Instruments, Presentation Narrow-scope Amendments; and
  • Financial Instruments, Foreign Exchange Narrow-scope Amendments.  

These amendments will be effective for fiscal years beginning on or after April 1, 2022.

These amendments will be reflected in the PSA Handbook in spring 2021.

July 3, 2020

PSAB Decision Summary – July 3, 2020

At its recent meeting, the Board discussed the Financial Instruments – Narrow Scope Amendments project and its Basis for Conclusions on its International Strategy decision. Read the Decision Summary for full details.

May 27, 2020

PSAB Decision Summary – April 27, 2020

PSAB received an overview of the accounting proposals prepared by the Canadian Council of Comptrollers and reviewed recommendations from the Board’s Financial Instruments Subcommittee. The Board agreed to pursue the development of additional narrow-scope amendments to address the following topics:

  • presentation of the fair value of derivatives; 
  • presentation of certain foreign exchange gains/losses and changes in the fair value of associated derivatives; and 
  • accounting for rate-setting transactions. 

April 27, 2020

PSAB Decision Summary – April 27, 2020

PSAB received an overview of the accounting proposals prepared by the Canadian Council of Comptrollers and reviewed recommendations from the Board’s Financial Instruments Subcommittee. The Board agreed to pursue the development of additional narrow-scope amendments to address the following topics:

  • presentation of the fair value of derivatives; 
  • presentation of certain foreign exchange gains/losses and changes in the fair value of associated derivatives; and 
  • accounting for rate-setting transactions.

December 18, 2019

PSAB Decision Summary – December 12-13, 2019

PSAB approved the following:

  • Financial Instruments: Narrow-scope Amendments, final Handbook amendments. The amendments include changes to the accounting treatment of bond repurchase transactions, transitional provisions, and other minor improvements, and will be reflected in the CPA Handbook in the spring of 2020.
  • Exposure Draft, “Financial Instruments: Federal Government Narrow-scope Amendments.” The Exposure Draft will be published early in 2020, with a 60-day comment period.

September 27, 2019

PSAB Decision Summary – September 26-27, 2019

PSAB discussed the approach to revisit a final narrow-scope amendment for Section PS 3450, Financial Instruments, with respect to the federal government issue. The Board will evaluate the revised amendment and potentially approve an exposure draft for comment at the December 2019 meeting. 


December 1, 2011


December 2011

Other amendments
PSAB approved withdrawal of Section PS 3030, Temporary Investments, new Section PS 3041, Portfolio Investments, and amendments to the PSA Handbook Sections, proposed in the Exposure Draft, “Amendments Resulting from Section PS 3450.”

PSAB also approved the amendments proposed in the Exposure Draft, “Handbook Improvements,” except the proposal to disclose remeasurement gains and losses by segment.

June 1, 2011


June 2011

PSAB approved two exposure drafts

  • The main features of the first Exposure Draft, “Amendments Resulting from Section PS 3450,” include the proposed removal of Section PS 3030, Temporary Investments, amendments to Section PS 3040, Portfolio Investments, and related amendments to other Sections as a result of proposed changes to these two Sections.
  • The main features of the second Exposure Draft, “Handbook Improvements,” include proposed amendments to Section PS 2500, Basic Principles of Consolidation, to address transfer of derivatives among entities in a government reporting entity, and proposed amendments to Section PS 2700, Segment Disclosures, to address remeasurement gains and losses; and proposed clarifications in other Sections.

March 1, 2011


March 2011

PSAB approved new Section PS 3450, Financial Instruments, and related amendments to existing Section PS 1200, Financial Statement Presentation. The effective date for Section PS 3450 is April 1, 2012 for government organizations and April 1, 2015 for governments. Earlier adoption is permitted. Governments and government organizations adopt Section PS 3450 in the same fiscal year Section PS 2601, Foreign Currency Translation, is adopted.

In view of the Concepts Underlying Financial Performance project, the transition requirements state that PSAB will review the application of this Section for governments by December 31, 2013.

September 1, 2010


September 2010

PSAB approved an Exposure Draft (ED) proposing amendments to Section PS 1200, Financial Statement Presentation. The ED contains a presentation model that reports remeasurement gains and losses outside of the statement of operations.

The main features of the ED include the following:

  • A statement of remeasurement gains and losses is introduced.
  • The statement of remeasurement gains and losses reports:
  1. unrealized gains and losses associated with financial instruments in the fair value category;
  2. amounts reclassified to the statement of operations upon derecognition or settlement; and
  3. other comprehensive income reported when a government includes the results of government business enterprises and government business partnerships in the government’s summary financial statements.
  • The proposed amendments would apply to the financial reporting period a government implements the proposed new PSA Handbook Section on Financial Instruments and associated amendments, including proposed amendments to Section PS 2600, Foreign Currency Translation.

June 1, 2010


June 2010

PSAB reviewed two options to the proposals contained in the ED issued in September 2009 — hedge accounting and an alternative presentation model. The Board requested the task force to draft an ED with a presentation model that would report remeasurement gains and losses outside of the statement of operations for its consideration in September 2010.

March 1, 2010


March 2010

PSAB reviewed comments received on the ED. Discussion on the responses to the ED will continue at future meetings.

June 1, 2009


June 2009

PSAB approved an ED.

The main features of this ED include the following:
  • Fair value measurement is required for derivatives and portfolio investments that are equity instruments quoted in an active market.
  • A government can choose to report non-derivative financial assets and/or financial liabilities on a fair value basis if it manages and reports performance of these items on a fair value basis.
  • A change in the fair value of a financial instrument should be presented in the statement of operations as a remeasurement gain and loss.
  • Revenues other than remeasurement gains and expenses other than remeasurement losses should be separately presented in the statement of operations.
  • The statement of operations should report the measure of surplus/deficit excluding remeasurement gains and losses for the period separately from the measure of surplus/deficit for the period, which includes remeasurement gains and losses.
  • A government should disclose information that enables users of financial statements to evaluate the nature and extent of risks arising from financial instruments to which it is exposed at the reporting date.
  • The proposed standard will be effective for fiscal years beginning on or after April 1, 2012. Early adoption is encouraged. Any adjustment to the carrying amount of applicable assets and liabilities at the beginning of the fiscal year the standard is initially applied should be recognized as an adjustment to the accumulated surplus/deficit at that date.

March 1, 2009


March 2009

PSAB concluded that an exposure draft should be developed based on recognition of financial instruments. Fair value measurement would apply to derivatives and portfolio investments that are equities traded in an active market. Presentation of any gains and losses resulting specifically from these items would be differentiated from revenue and expenses. Supporting materials will describe PSAB’s assessment of other alternatives.

November 1, 2008


November 2008

PSAB discussed the scope of financial instruments that should be reported on fair value, and alternatives of presenting unrealized gains and losses in governments’ financial statements.

March 1, 2008


March 2008

PSAB discussed the responses received to date on the Statement of Principles (SOP) issued in June 2007. Alternatives to respond to the issues raised relating to accounting for, and presenting information about, financial instruments in government financial statements are being considered.

March 1, 2007


March 2007

PSAB approved a second SOP on recognition and measurement of financial instruments and hedge accounting.
The principles proposed in this SOP include the following:

  • Fair value measurement is proposed for derivatives and portfolio investments quoted in an active market.
  • Hedge accounting treatment is permitted for certain documented hedging relationships where they are demonstrated to be highly effective.
  • Flexibility to designate non-derivative financial assets and non-derivative financial liabilities to be reported at fair value is permitted in cases where more relevant information will result, as it:
    1. eliminates or significantly reduces a measurement or recognition inconsistency; or
    2. is the basis on which a group of financial assets, financial liabilities or both are managed and performance is evaluated, in accordance with a documented risk management or investment strategy.
  • Two measurement categories are proposed for financial instruments:
    1. cost or amortized cost; and
    2. fair value (with gains and losses recognized in the statement of operations).
  • Specific disclosure and presentation requirements for financial instruments are suggested.

June 1, 2006


June 2006

PSAB approved the development of a second SOP based on an Associates’ SOP, with the addition of hedge accounting and measurement of non-derivative financial instruments.
PSAB staff issued a request for information on hedging risks assumed by governments.

January 1, 2006


January 2006

PSAB approved:

  • A Public Sector Guideline PSG-6, Including Results of Organizations and Partnerships Applying Fair Value Measurement; and
  • An SOP on recognition and measurement of derivatives for Associates’ comment.

The principles proposed in this SOP include the following:

  • Derivatives represent rights and obligations that meet PSAB’s definitions of assets or liabilities and should be reported in financial statements.
  • Fair value is the only relevant measurement basis for derivatives.
  • Only items that meet PSAB’s definitions of assets or liabilities should be reported as such on the statement of financial position.
  • Special accounting for items designated as being part of a hedging relationship should be provided only for qualifying items.   

August 1, 2005


August 2005

PSAB approved a Draft Guideline, Including Results of Organizations and Partnerships Applying Fair Value Measurement.

April 1, 2003


April 2003

PSAB approved a Project Proposal.


This project summary has been prepared for information purposes only. Decisions reported are tentative and reflect only the current status of discussions on this project, which may change after further Board deliberations. Decisions to publish Handbook material are final only after a formal voting process.