Current standards in the PSA Handbook on retirement benefits, post-employment benefits, compensated absences, and termination benefits were developed more than two decades ago. Since then, there have been many changes in the accounting world and pension plans have continued to evolve.
This Re-exposure Draft outlines proposals for proposed Section PS 3251. Overall, respondents supported the main features of the July 2021 Exposure Draft. Accordingly, many principles of the Re-exposure Draft remain substantially unchanged from when they were previously exposed in July 2021. In response to feedback to the July 2021 Exposure Draft, PSAB determined that amendments to the proposals related to discount rate for defined benefit plans were in the Canadian public interest. The Board’s due process requires limited re-exposure, and we want your feedback on our proposed amended features.
Due to the phased approach of starting with IPSAS 39, principles or definitions within this Re-exposure Draft that relate to the topics of risk-sharing and non-traditional plans may be deliberated by PSAB during a future phase of the project. The Board may revisit some of the principles or definitions in this Re-exposure Draft during future phases. Our objective with this Re-exposure Draft is to finalize the core principles for discount rate guidance and deferral provisions.