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Public Sector Accounting Standards

Narrow Scope Amendment Exposure Draft: GAAP Designation of PSA Handbook Appendices


The Exposure Draft proposed narrow-scope amendments to elevate the level of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) designated for four CPA Canada Public Sector Accounting (PSA) Handbook appendices. PSAB concluded the proposed amendments could result in a change in practice for some public sector entities in their application of the four standards affected. For other entities, there would be no change in practice as they may already give the same weight to the appendices they give to the main body of the related standards.

A further narrow-scope amendment was proposed to remove an outdated cross-reference in a Public Sector Accounting Guideline. This amendment could prompt entities to amend their accounting policy for operating leases.

Issuing the reclassification and renumbering changes in the PSA Handbook set out in Exposure Draft Appendix A was deferred pending public input on the proposed changes to the GAAP level designation of four appendices presented in this narrow-scope amendment Exposure Draft. The changes outlined in Appendix A will be issued at the same time as the final PSA Handbook amendments arising from this Exposure Draft.

Staff Contact(s)

Michael Puskaric, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Public Sector Accounting Board

Thank you for responding to the PSAB Exposure Draft, Narrow Scope Amendment: GAAP Designation of PSA Handbook Appendices.

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Appendix A to the Exposure Draft was provided as context. It was not for comment but was a background to the proposals in the Exposure Draft. The changes to the classification and numbering of PSA Handbook appendices summarized in the appendix were exposed for public comment in the Exposure Draft, “2022-2023 Annual Improvements to Public Sector Accounting Standards”. Responses were considered, and changes approved by PSAB in December 2022.

Classification involves identifying an appendix as integral to a standard and thus as application guidance, or identifying an appendix as illustrative (e.g., decision trees, illustrative examples, or illustrative financial statements). The approved classification and numbering conventions are consistent with appendices in IPSAS and is an editorial, structural aspect of implementing the Board’s International Strategy.