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IPSASB issues 2024-2028 Strategy and Work Program Consultation

November 2, 2023 International Activity, News, Article

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) has issued a consultation to hear interested and affected parties’ feedback on its proposed strategy and work program for the next five years.

This Consultation offers an opportunity for public sector audiences to share feedback on IPSASB’s proposed strategic objectives, the addition of IPSAS maintenance activities, the potential future projects to be considered in addition to its Financial and Sustainability Reporting Work Program, and the key sustainability themes in Canada.

Your feedback matters!

To ensure that Canadian perspectives are considered, and future standards serve Canadian public interest, PSAB encourages you to submit your feedback to this consultation.

Staff Contact(s)

Camila Santos, CPA Principal, Public Sector Accounting Board

Submit your feedback in one of the following ways:

Send your comment letter to PSAB by January 15, 2024. We will consider your feedback in the development of our response letter to the IPSASB.


Submit comments directly to IPSASB by February 15, 2024.