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IFRS® Accounting Standards

2023 Changes to Part I – AcSB Due Process – Endorsement Activities

June 1, 2024 Resource, Article

The AcSB has approved issuing a document summarizing the endorsement activities carried out as part of its due process in support of the changes made to IFRS Accounting Standards in Part I of the CPA Canada Handbook – Accounting in 2023.

The AcSB’s Due Process – Endorsing IFRS Standards 

The AcSB is involved early in the process and throughout the life of an IFRS® Accounting Standards project to understand the views of Canadians and influence the development of standards. New or amended IFRS Accounting Standards are not part of Canadian GAAP until the AcSB has endorsed and incorporated them into Part I of the Handbook.

The AcSB performs the following three steps before reaching a conclusion on whether the new or amended standard is appropriate for application in Canada:  

Step 1 – Gain an understanding of the new or amended IFRS Accounting Standard. 

Step 2 – Assess the IASB’s due process in developing the new or amended IFRS Accounting Standard. 

Step 3 – Evaluate whether the requirements of the new or amended IFRS Accounting Standard are appropriate for application in Canada. 

Documenting Endorsement Activities

The AcSB issues a due process summary to communicate the actions taken and the considerations that Board members deemed significant in deciding to endorse and incorporate new and amended IFRS Accounting Standards into Canadian GAAP.  

2023 Changes to Part I

The 2023 changes made to Part I to incorporate new or amended IFRS Accounting Standards, as well as the Board’s endorsement activities for each change, are summarized in Appendix 1 in the document below.

The 2023 changes to Part I include International Tax Reform – Pillar Two Model Rules, Supplier Finance Arrangements, and more!

2022 Changes to Part I – AcSB Due Process – Endorsement Activities thumbnail


Staff Contact(s)

Danielle MacLeod, CPA, CA Associate Director, Accounting Standards Board