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Rate-regulated Activities – AcSB Research Paper

November 16, 2018 News

In our 2016-2021 Strategic Plan, the Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) committed to building out its research program relating to all the major categories of reporting entities that:

  • focus on topics of importance to Canadians; and
  • contributes to evidence-based global best practices that consider the Canadian perspective.

Effective and efficient standard setters do more than look for process improvements and prioritize, they also conduct research on a timely basis.

Under this program, we published our first major Research Paper, “Exploring the decision-usefulness of financial information that reflects the economics of rate-regulated activities.” The Research Paper contributes to the work of the IASB and national standard setters. The observations drawn from data gathered are relevant and are of value to the consideration of accounting for rate-regulated activities under IFRS® Standards.


In Brief: Rate-regulated Activities  In Brief: A plain and simple overview of the AcSB’s Research Paper on Rate-regulated Activities


Research paper: Rate-regulated Activities  Research Paper: Exploring the decision-usefulness of financial information that reflects the economics of rate- regulated activities

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Stay up-to-date on this project via the online project page.


Davina Tam, CPA, CA 
Principal, Accounting Standards Board 
Phone no.: +1 (416) 204-3514 
Email: [email protected]

Rebecca Villmann, CPA, CA, CPA (Illinois) 
Director, Reporting Initiatives & Research
Financial Reporting & Assurance Standards Canada
Phone: +1 (416) 204-3464
Email: [email protected]