This summary of decisions of the Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) has been prepared for information purposes only. Decisions reported are tentative and reflect only the current status of discussions on projects, which might change after further deliberations by the CSSB. For more information, please contact Sustainability Standards staff: [email protected].
The CSSB met virtually on November 27-28, 2024, for a total of 6 hours to approve and/or discuss:
2025-2026 Annual Plan
The CSSB discussed the activities, deliverables, and timeline of the 2025-2026 Annual Plan, including the continuation of the Indigenous Peoples Education Program and increased engagement efforts with Indigenous organizations, communities, and leaders in the coming year. This Annual Plan will be finalized, presented to the Reporting and Assurance Standards Oversight Council for its review and feedback, and published in spring/summer 2025.
2024-2025 Performance Report
Every year FRAS Canada conducts performance reviews – based on deliverables and targets outlined in the Annual Plan – of its boards, and produces a report to the Oversight Council. The CSSB discussed the content and targets in its 2024-2025 report, which will be finalized in January 2025 and presented to the Oversight Council in February 2025.
Educational Guide
The CSSB is developing an educational guide to offer direction on how to adopt a climate-first approach in sustainability reporting under the Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards. The Board provided a round of feedback and comments on the draft guide, which will be finalized in early 2025 and published by Q2 2025.
Strategic Planning
The CSSB gave its final approval of the 2025-2028 Strategic Plan, which will be released for public comment in January 2025. Additionally, the Board discussed outreach strategy and targets for this upcoming consultation period to ensure it achieves sufficient and balanced feedback from key interested and affected parties.
Indigenous Peoples Education: Teachings on Métis People
The CSSB was joined by Métis Knowledge Holder, Norma Spicer, who led an educational session for the Board on the Métis peoples’ history and worldviews. Norma Spicer provided an overview of Métis perspectives on sustainability and shared some innovative Métis-led sustainability and climate change projects happening across Canada. The Board thanks Norma Spicer for her valuable time and teachings.