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Private Enterprise Advisory Committee Meetings

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Upcoming meetings & events

Private Enterprise Advisory Committee Notes – November 18, 2021

At its meeting, the Committee discussed the accounting for cloud computing arrangements and more. Read the meeting notes for full details. 

Private Enterprise Advisory Committee Notes – October 27, 2021

At its meeting, the Committee discussed application issues in practice relating to interest in joint arrangements and redeemable preferred shares. Read the meeting notes for full details.

Private Enterprise Advisory Committee Notes – September 9, 2021

At its recent meeting, the Committee discussed the AcSB’s 2022-2027 Draft Strategic Plan and financial reporting by private enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the meeting notes for full details. 

Private Enterprise Advisory Committee Notes – May 26, 2021

At its recent meeting, the Committee discussed interest rate benchmark reform and financial reporting by private enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the meeting notes for full details.

Private Enterprise Advisory Committee Notes – February 17, 2021

At its recent meeting, the Committee discussed cloud computing arrangements, interest rate benchmark reform and amendments to other frameworks.

Private Enterprise Advisory Committee Notes – July 22, 2020

At its recent meeting, the Committee discussed the 2020 Annual Improvements, related party transactions, and cloud computing arrangements.

Private Enterprise Advisory Committee Notes – June 2, 2020

At its recent meeting, the Committee discussed a number of application issues related to COVID-19 including lease modifications, impairment, defined benefit obligations and government grant programs.

Private Enterprise Advisory Committee Notes – February 25, 2020

At its recent meeting, the Committee discussed a number of application issues in practice and comments on the Employee Future Benefits Exposure Draft.

Private Enterprise Advisory Committee Notes – September 10, 2019

At its recent meeting, the Committee discussed a number of topics including Revenue, Related Party Transactions, the relevance of financial reporting, and much more.

Private Enterprise Advisory Committee Notes – May 22, 2019

At its recent meeting, the Committee discussed a number of topics including employee future benefits, amendments to other frameworks, and much more.

Past meetings & events