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Meetings and Events

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Upcoming meetings & events

PSAB Decision Summary – December 12-13, 2019

At its recent meeting, the Board discussed, reviewed, and made decisions on number of topics, including the International Strategy, Conceptual Framework and Reporting Model, Financial Instruments Narrow Scope Amendments, and Annual Improvements. Read the Decision Summary for full details.

Now Available! Meeting Report from PSA DG Livestreamed Meeting — November 15, 2019

Topics discussed were government business enterprises, user fees versus taxes, climate change and sustainable finance, and PSAB’s GNFP Consultation Paper. Read the report for full details.

PSAB Decision Summary – September 26-27, 2019

At its recent meeting, the Board discussed, reviewed, and made decisions on number of topics, including Conceptual Framework and Reporting Model, Public Private Partnership, and Intangible Assets – Narrow Scope Amendment. Read the Decision Summary for full details.

PSAB Decision Summary – June 20-21, 2019

At its recent meeting, the Board discussed, reviewed and made decisions on number of topics, including Conceptual Framework and Reporting Model, Public Private Partnership and 2018-2019 Annual Improvements. Read the summary for full details.

AcSOC Public Meeting Report – June 6-7, 2019

At its recent meeting in Edmonton, the Council discussed the activities of the AcSB, PSAB, and other related matters. The Council also received a presentation on cannabis accounting, and an update on the activities of its Performance Review Committee and its Nominating and Governance Committee. Read the full report for more information.

Now Available! Meeting Report from PSA DG Livestreamed Meeting — April 26, 2019

Topics discussed were Purchased intangibles, developer agreements, international strategy, contractual rights, taxes levied for specific purposes, and more. Read the report for full details.

PSAB Decision Summary – March 21-22, 2019

At its recent meeting, the Board discussed, reviewed, and made decisions on number of topics, including International Strategy, Government Not-for-Profit Strategy, and liability for contaminated sites. Read the summary for full details on what was discussed.

PSA Discussion Group – Report on November 19, 2018 Livestreamed Meeting

Read the report for details about the discussions of contractual rights, accounting for Indigenous government business enterprises, green infrastructure and PSAB’s reporting model proposals.

PSA Discussion Group – Report on June 4, 2018 Livestreamed Meeting

Read the report for details about the discussions of: PSAB’s conceptual framework and reporting model proposals, public liability claims, municipal off-site lot levies, and PSAB’s decision model for choosing a new international strategy.

PSA Discussion Group – Report on November 17, 2017 Livestreamed Meeting

Read the report for details about the discussions of: green infrastructure, restructuring transactions, the consolidation of entities using IFRS® Standards for leases, and social impact bonds.

Past meetings & events