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Accounting Standards for Pension Plans

AcSB Exposure Draft – Improvements to Presentation and Disclosure of Investments for Pension Plans


The Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) proposes, subject to comments received following exposure, to amend Section 4600, Pension Plans, in Part IV of the CPA Canada Handbook – Accounting. The proposals aim to improve the presentation and disclosure of investments held by pension plans. The amendments will apply to pension plans applying the standards in Part IV of the Handbook, as relevant.

Staff Contact(s)

Katharine Christopoulos, CPA, CA Director, Accounting Standards Board

Thank you for responding to the AcSB Exposure Draft, Improvements to Presentation and Disclosure of Investments for Pension Plans.

Read what respondents had to say and stay up to date with this project.


The AcSB undertook research to improve the presentation and disclosure of investments held by pension plans. In performing its research, the Board consulted with its Pension Plan Advisory Committee, formerly known as the Pension Plan Working Group, and heard about gaps in the requirements and the need to increase transparency for financial statement users. Through this research, the Board considered improvements to:

  • fair value disclosures;
  • disclosure of interests in investment vehicles; and
  • presentation and disclosure of investment expenses.

The AcSB proposes to amend Section 4600 to address concerns in these areas.