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IFRS® Accounting Standards



July 28, 2020

Resource, Guidance

Potential Impact on Lease Accounting (UPDATED)

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the ability of organizations to collect and pay rent and other lease obligations. This means companies should use professional judgement and consider the potential implications that COVID-19 could have relating to the accounting for leases under IFRS 16 Leases.

May 29, 2020

Resource, Article

2019 Changes to Part I – AcSB Due Process – Endorsement Activities

How do new or amended IFRS® Standards make their way into the CPA Canada Handbook – Accounting? Find out via this overview of the due process activities we carried out in support of changes made to Part I of the Handbook last year.

May 6, 2020

Resource, Guidance

Accounting Considerations for Insurers

COVID-19 pandemic affects insurance companies in many ways – from market volatility on investment portfolios to changes in cash flow estimates relating to insurance liabilities. Read this helpful resource to learn what you need to know when it comes to accounting considerations for insurers.

May 6, 2020

Resource, Guidance

Debt Modification Accounting

Are you negotiating a debt agreement with your lender? Debt modification versus extinguishment assessment under IFRS 9 can be tricky. Read this easy-to-understand overview, which provides some useful tips on performing this assessment and other key considerations on debt modification accounting for both borrowers and lenders.

April 28, 2020

Resource, Guidance

Impairment of Non-financial Assets

Do you have questions about the implications of COVID-19 on the impairment of non-financial assets? Read this easy-to-understand overview, which includes a list of helpful resources, to support you as you navigate your impairment assessment.

April 28, 2020

Resource, Guidance

Discount Rates

Do you have questions about the implications of COVID-19 on your discount rates? Read this easy-to-understand overview on the potential effects the current situation may have on the discount rates used by companies in the various valuation techniques under IFRS® Standards.

April 28, 2020

Resource, Guidance

Potential Impact on IFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve rapidly and market-based measures like fair value are likely to change significantly and perhaps in unpredictable ways as a result. Read this easy-to-understand overview, which includes helpful resources, to support you as you determine the fair value of your assets and liabilities.

April 24, 2020

Resource, Guidance

Income Taxes

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the recoverability of deferred tax assets and has introduced new government relief measures. Entities should use professional judgment to assess how this will impact the accounting for income taxes in accordance with IFRS® Standards.

April 24, 2020

Resource, Guidance

Events After the Reporting Period

Most companies, unless they are an essential service, are likely experiencing a material decline in their operations or are closed. This raises questions about whether they need to adjust their year-end or interim financial statements or provide additional disclosures for events after the reporting period. Read this helpful resource to understand what you need to know about events after the reporting period.

April 21, 2020

Resource, Guidance

Going Concern and Liquidity Risk

Do you have questions about the implications of COVID-19 on your financial statements and your going concern or liquidity risk assessments? Read this easy-to-understand overview, which includes a list helpful resources, to support you when preparing your financial statements.