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IFRS® Discussion Group Meetings

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IFRS® Discussion Group Meeting Report – December 17, 2020

At its December 17, 2020 meeting, the Group discussed many financial reporting hot topics such as the IFRS® Interpretations Committee’s tentative agenda decision on the classification of debts as current or non-current, disclosure of the impact of COVID-19, and impairment testing of right-of-use assets. Read the meeting report for details.

AcSB Meeting – January 12, 2021

The Board discussed its Annual Plan, Performance Report, Post Implementation Review (IFRS 10, 11 and 12), and more. Read the Decision Summary for full details, including how stakeholders can provide feedback on these initiatives.

IFRS® Discussion Group Meeting Report – September 23, 2020

The Group discussed topics such as the impact that COVID-19 may have on an entity’s income statement presentation and application issues associated with the amendments on IAS 1 to classify a term loan as current or non-current. Read the full Meeting Report for helpful tips on these and other topics.

AcSB Decision Summary – July 15, 2020

The Board discussed Combinations and Employee Future Benefits. Read the Decision Summary for full details.

IFRS® Discussion Group Meeting Report – May 27, 2020

Just in time for Q2 Interim Reporting! Check out this meeting report summarizing the Group’s discussion on issues such as the accounting for COVID-19 related rent concessions, financial reporting considerations of COVID-19, classification of liabilities as current or non-current, and accounting for leases in a business combination.  

IFRS® Discussion Group Meeting Report (COVID-19 Topics) – May 27, 2020

Need help with COVID-19 related financial reporting issues? Check out this meeting report summarizing the Group’s discussion on issues such as the accounting for COVID-19 related rent concessions and financial reporting considerations of COVID-19.  Check back this June for the complete summary of everything discussed at the May 27, 2020 meeting. 

IFRS® Discussion Group Meeting Report – December 12, 2019

The Group discussed topics such as lease term and useful life of leasehold improvements, application of definition of lease to a surface right, and impacts of climate change on financial reporting. Read about the views expressed by Group members for helpful tips on these and other topics.

IFRS® Discussion Group Meeting Report – September 25, 2019

The Group discussed topics such as accounting for sale-lease back transactions with variable payments, and application issues from an asset acquisition. Read about the views expressed by Group members for helpful tips on these and other topics.   

IFRS® Discussion Group Meeting Report - June 20, 2019

The Group discussed topics such as timing of applying agenda decisions and determining lease payments under IFRS 16. Read about the views expressed by Group members for helpful tips and to stay up to date on past issues such as accounting for cryptocurrencies.  

IFRS® Discussion Group Meeting Report – January 10, 2019

The Group discussed topics such as 2019 interim disclosure considerations related to IFRS 16, credit enhancements and related party loans. Read about the views expressed by Group members for helpful tips and stay up-to-date on past issues such as accounting for asset retirement obligations.

Past meetings & events