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PSAB Exposure Draft – Intangible Assets, Proposed Section 3155


The Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) proposes, subject to comments received following exposure, to issue Section PS 3155, Intangible Assets.

This Exposure Draft was developed by applying PSAB’s International Strategy and adapts principles from the International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) 31, Intangible Assets. PSAB has proposed amendments to IPSAS 31 principles based on the Criteria for Modification defined under its International Strategy. Modifications were considered if IPSAS 31 principles were contrary to PSAB’s proposed Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting in the Public Sector, or inappropriate for application in Canada based on the Canadian public interest.

Proposed Section PS 3155 will replace Public Sector Guideline 8, Purchased Intangibles, and provide foundational guidance on the accounting for intangible assets. This Exposure Draft provides:

  • a definition of “intangible assets” within the CPA Canada Public Sector Accounting Handbook; and
  • guidance on recognition, measurement, and required disclosures for intangible assets.

Staff Contact(s)

Michael Puskaric, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Public Sector Accounting Board

How to reply

Respond to Exposure Draft – Intangible Assets, Proposed Section PS 3155 to Public Sector Accounting Standards by submitting a comment letter (in a Word file) or taking part in an online survey via May 30, 2025.


In September 2023, PSAB approved the Intangible Assets project proposal, which includes the development of:

  • a foundational Intangible Assets standard; and
  • an accounting guideline for CCAs in the Canadian public sector.

PSAB approved a sequence for the development of the two project components as part of the project plan. We will develop the Intangible Assets standard first and the accounting guideline on CCAs once the Intangible Assets standard has been exposed for comment.