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News Listings


March 5, 2024

Document for Comment, News

AASB Exposure Draft – Proposed Amendments to CAS 240, The Auditor's Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements

Share your views on the AASB’s Exposure Draft, “Proposed Amendments to CAS 240, The Auditor's Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements.” Read more about the proposed standard and related conforming and consequential amendments. Respond to our Exposure Draft by May 6, 2024, and have your say! 

February 28, 2024

Document for Comment

AASB proposes not to adopt the IAASB’s proposed Public Interest Entity narrow-scope amendments at this time

The AASB issued an Exposure Draft proposing not to adopt at this time the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)’s proposed narrow-scope amendments. The IAASB’s proposal stems from revisions to the definitions of listed entities and public interest entities in the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Including Independence Standards). We welcome your feedback on this Exposure Draft. Submit your comments by April 8, 2024, and tell us what you think. 

February 7, 2024

International Activity

IAASB issues Exposure Draft on proposed ISA 240 (Revised), The Auditor's Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) issued its Exposure Draft on the proposed revisions to International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 240 (Revised), The Auditor's Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements. The revisions are focused on clarifying the auditor’s responsibilities regarding fraud, enhancing the robustness of the required auditor’s procedures, and reporting on fraud in an audit of financial statements. Submit your comments on the IAASB’s Exposure Draft by June 5, 2024, and provide a copy of your response to the AASB at [email protected].

January 26, 2024

News, Resource, Article

What We Heard and Next Steps for the Canadian Standard on Sustainability Assurance (CSSA) 5000

Thank you for your response to the AASB’s Exposure Draft, “Proposed Canadian Standard on Sustainability Assurance (CSSA) 5000, General Requirements for Sustainability Assurance Engagements.” We are now reviewing the feedback we received as we work towards the approval of the new CSSA 5000. Read more about the results of our consultation, including main feedback themes, who we heard from, and what’s next.

January 24, 2024

Meeting Summary, Webpage

AASB Decision Summary – January 24, 2024

The AASB approved two exposure drafts: Fraud and Listed Entity/Public Interest Entity Track-2. It discussed the draft 2024-2025 Annual Plan and the Compilations of Future-oriented Financial Information project. The Board received a presentation from the Practice Inspection Programs Standing Committee. Read the decision summary for full details.

December 4-5, 2023

Meeting Summary

AASB Decision Summary – December 4-5, 2023

The Board discussed IAASB’s issues on Audit Evidence, Fraud, Listed Entity/Public Interest Entity – Track 2, and IAASB’s Strategy and Work Plan. The Board also discussed its Annual and Strategic Plan, Terms of Reference, Statement of Operating Procedures, and Due Process Manual. Read the Decision Summary for full details.

November 17, 2023

Meeting Summary, Webpage

AASB Decision Summary – November 17, 2023

The Board discussed the Independence Standing Committee’s views on the “public interest entity” (PIE) definition and the Board’s next strategic plan. The Board also reviewed outreach and feedback summaries on the Exposure Draft, “General Requirements for Sustainability Assurance Engagements,” and its response letter to the IAASB. Read the Decision Summary for full details.

November 1, 2023


Update: AASB approves narrow-scope amendments to CAS 700 and CAS 260

At the September 12-13, 2023, Board meeting the AASB approved narrow-scope amendments to CAS 700, Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements, and CAS 260, Communication with Those Charged with Governance, subject to the PIOB’s due process certification. The PIOB has now certified the IAASB’s due process for ISA 700 (Revised) and ISA 260 (Revised) and the IAASB has released the final standards. The narrow-scope amendments to CAS 700 and CAS 260 will become effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after December 15, 2024. The narrow-scope amendments were issued in the Handbook in November 2023.

October 27, 2023

Resource, Article, News

New Resource: IAASB issues FAQ on Investigating Exceptions and Relevance of Performance Materiality When Using Automated Tools and Techniques

This FAQ addresses investigating exceptions and the concept of performance materiality when using automated tools and techniques while executing auditing procedures. Read for full details.

October 11, 2023

News, Resource

New Resource: CPA Canada’s Implementation Guide for Canadian Auditing Standard (CAS) 600, Audits of Group Financial Statements

The Implementation Guide provides a summary of the revised CAS 600 requirements, practical considerations for complying with the requirements, and more. Reference this helpful resource for help understanding and applying the revised standard when involved in a group audit, whether as the group auditor or a component auditor for the group audit engagement. Read for full details.