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Final Report – Independent Review Committee on Standard Setting in Canada

The review of the governance and structure for establishing Canadian accounting, auditing, and assurance standards, and to identify what might be needed for the future – including sustainability standards – is now complete. 

Since the last comprehensive review more than 20 years ago, the standard-setting environment has evolved dynamically and rapidly both in Canada and globally. The overall objective of the Committee was to consider the extent to which the Canadian standard-setting model can effectively respond to this environment, and what changes might be appropriate to ensure that it is “fit for the future” and continues to serve the public interest.

Please note: The Committee’s work is now complete and it is no longer operational.

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Read our recommendations to ensure Canadian standard setting will continue to be independent and internationally recognized.

Summary Feedback Statement

The Summary Feedback Statement provides an overview of the feedback it received during its consultation process to develop its final report.